Welcome to Shamxunews on this post I will teach you to how to add and buy prepaid credit on Nedco app, with this method you can buy prepaid fast and easy without going any Nedco or ECG office.
With this process all you need is smart phone and Mobile Money (MoMo) which you will pay the money with, so without waisting much time let get into it.
How To Add Your Meter To The Nedco App
Let start with the Prepaid first.
Prepaid, first download the Nedco app, lunch it and sign up, Nedco will request for your Full name, Phone number for verification and password, please enter a password which you will remember because you always use it login.
Secondly after singing up, login and tap on add meter, enter your meter number in the box which it asking for the meter number and the meter type must be on prepaid since the meter is prepaid and submit, it will come out with the details of your meter, then check if everything is correct and tap on save to save the meter.
You will follow the same procedure for the Postpaid meter the difference is to change the prepaid section to postpaid.
How To Buy Credit To Your Prepaid meter Or Pay Bill For Your Postpaid Meter
Now since you have add and save your meter on the app, tap on the blue round button, it will send you the saved meter which is the meter you have already saved so tap on submit find amount and enter any amount from ¢1 above, enter your MoMo number which you want to pay with, tap on pay and wait for the prompt.
When you receive the prompt enter your MoMo pin and option 1 to accept the transaction and when the transaction is successful you receive massage from both your network and Nedco company.
I hope this post I will help you that is why I published it, always visit Shamxunews for helpful information like this and more.